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B2B Commerce

The Modern B2B Customer

The B2B buyer’s journey has also gone through a profound transformation due to technological advances. As a result, B2B shoppers also expect relevant information that is conveniently accessible with smooth user experiences. Search results, content, conversations, and customer service must hit the mark every time across channels. The good news is Cnetric can connect your multiple systems and combine your siloed data to add value at every stage, accelerating integrations for a seamless, omnichannel experience.

Headless Commerce

Headless Commerce

Headless simply means decoupling your backend systems from your customer-facing presentation layer. This enables a nimble stance so you can rapidly deploy updates without impacting the back end system. Similarly, alter your front end with the latest consumer technology, so you can present your product and services on any device and various platforms with different requirements. This helps you stay competitive by adapting and catering to customer expectations faster. As experts in APIs and middleware, Cnetric can upgrade your infrastructure for a headless model that empowers you to be exceptional everywhere, across omnichannels.

Influence and Social Proof

In the not too distant past a good sales rep could influence a prospect to your product or service, but we have entered a new era where influencers and social media credibility are more likely to sway a prospects mind. Forums, comparison sites, customer reviews, and testimonials are becoming increasingly relevant. Cnetric’s accomplished customer service team can help you harness the influence of social proof and overcome any social influence hurdles. This will help you drive greater sales and conversions for more revenue.

Influence and Social Proof
Big Data and AIAutomation, AI & Big Data

Big Data and AI Automation, AI & Big Data

Dealing with customers online means weeding through a lot of data to find the diamond in the rough. In the age of big data, there’s a real danger of losing prospects in the many steps to a sales. Cnetric can help you reap value from big data using the power of AI to connect your systems and analyze, manage, and respond to complex situations to maximize conversion rates. You’ll be able to provide tailored approaches for various types of buyers through the insights from AI and big data for higher conversions and sales.