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Delivering Business Outcomes for our customers with seasoned professionals in Technology Consulting,  Product Engineering  & Software Development skills to accelerate Innovation driven Digital Transformation

digital experience across web, mobile, tablet, kiosk and VRAR

Digital Transformation Strategy & Roadmap

A positive customer experience can make or break an eCommerce business in today’s customer-centric world. Over 53% of customers abandon their shopping if they have to wait 3 seconds or more. As you can see the bar is high for pleasing today’s online customers. This is where a technologically-optimized digital experience (DX) and customer experience (CX) plays a substantial role in delighting customers to build sustained engagement and loyalty.

You must bridge the silos of your web site, mobile app, offline and backend systems and you must think of DX strategy as being a significant piece of your customer experience (CX) strategy. Cnetric’s services, solutions and expertise can help your organization truly standout from the pack through seamless, omnichannel, thoughtful customer experience.

Facets of State-Of-The-Art DX

  • Harmony among different applications in the area of marketing, commerce, sales and service forms the elementary interface between your customers and your company.
  • Personalization based on tracking user behavior and interactions with you brand, so you can provide intelligent suggestions that suit their preference.
  • Your eCommerce platform should have flexible capabilities and APIs to develop and maintain flawless data integration to provide a seamless digital experience.
  • Ensure that your customers data stays private and protected while they engage with your brand across multiple channels and devices.
  • eCommerce platforms with great digital experience must also utilize analytical tools with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence capabilities to track and measure consumer behavior and parameters of success.

Digital Commerce Strategy & Implementation

The convergence of multiple digital platforms and social media has transformed shopping for the modern B2C customer. In order to drive greater sales and win over customers, a seamless experience across multiple channels is necessary. The modern shopper could be shopping from a laptop, an app on a mobile phone, searching for products via Alexa or browsing options at a kiosk. Cnetric specializes in integrations that connect your multiple systems, driving greater value at every stage and ensuring a delightful, universal customer experience anytime on any device.

Cnetric’s specialized ecommerce consultants hold extensive experience with regard to ecommerce strategy, integrations, migrations and support. We make use of advanced tools and technologies to provide data-driven, innovative, focused and strategic solutions to handle every challenge faced by your ecommerce ecosystem. We provide customized and result-oriented solutions in every aspect of ecommerce from increasing traffic and conversions, enhancing customer experience, retargeting customers, streamlining operational activities, etc.

Leap Ahead of The Pack

The digital commerce space is highly competitive and more players enter the space every year/all the time. Keeping one step ahead of the competition and meeting increasing customer expectations is a challenge to say the least. Provide an extraordinary customer experience with the services of the Cnetric team who are experts in B2C eCommerce solutions. We can help you remove roadblocks, incorporate missing integrations, and provide contextual analytics to master the ever-important customer journey.

The Evolving Landscape

Digital experience is more important than ever but the landscape is constantly evolving and growing. Traditional CMSs can no longer support the growing number of devices and the large variety of platforms you have to present on. Centric’s deep expertise is headless commerce will remove the restraints from your marketing team and empower them to deliver a truly extraordinary digital experience anywhere for a seamless omni-channel experience.


Composable Commerce software
cloud transformation and application modernisation for cloud

Cloud Transformation & Application Modernisation

Millions of customers worldwide have invested in a cloud presence. According to Gartner, almost 15% of global enterprise IT spending in 2024 will go towards cloud, up 1.5x from 2020 figures. Enterprises are making this move because of the benefits they have seen when migrating to the cloud, which include:

  • Scalability: For an on-premises environment, the company needs to buy and set up physical servers, software licenses, or equipment, but the cloud helps companies to scale up to support more users and larger workloads more easily.
  • Cost: Companies have seen a reduction in IT operations after moving to the cloud. Additionally, Cnetric can help with maintenance and required upgrades, allowing the companies to focus on other business needs – developing or improving new and existing products.
  • Performance: Migrating to the cloud has helped companies in improving performance and the overall customer experience. It reduces the latency of their website and applications when they are hosted on the cloud.
  • Flexibility: Customers, employees, and other stakeholders can access data on the cloud from anywhere. This makes it easier for businesses to expand in new territories, provide flexibility to employees, and offer services to both national and international audiences.
  • Security: Cloud environments are protected by strict security protocols put in place by the cloud service providers, which helps maintain high-security standards for the company’s applications and products.

Cnetric helps businesses of any size with the migration of the workload to the cloud, so that they can concentrate on other aspects of the business. Cnetric has experience in implementing solutions ranging from:

  • Cloud Environment Setup
  • On-Premises to Cloud Migration
  • Cloud to Cloud Migration
  • Cloud/DevOps Automation

Cnetric’s capabilities help enterprises move to the cloud successfully and migrate their applications from on-premises to the cloud with security and high performance.


Product Engineering & Software Development

In recent times, as the demand for digital transformation has increased along with it has grown the need for a scalable and agile IT environment to meet customer demands. Enterprises struggling with legacy inflexible systems have realized that their decades old applications are not suited for the dynamic environment of today. Application modernization can help these enterprises by optimizing Application architecture and App platform infrastructure

With the software market becoming more competitive and mature, product companies are under pressure to regularly release new versions and updates to the market. Achieving better time-to-market turnarounds has become critical due to shorter product lifecycles, rapid technological obsolescence, advances in engineering technologies and increasing design complexity.

At the same time, investment in product development needs to be balanced with market analysis and marketing activities which directly impact the success of the company. More and more companies are recognizing, that outsourcing “non-core” activities is crucial to gaining an economic advantage.

This is borne out by a KPMG survey that found that software application development maintenance are the leading outsourced functions worldwide. 57% of the respondents in another Deloitte study felt that outsourcing helped them focus on their core business, with cost efficiencies being another key advantage (59%).


Cnetric is Your Product Engineering Partner for Success

If you’re exploring outsourcing elements of your product development, you need a partner who can support you through the entire lifecycle. Cnetric has vast experience in providing engineering for clients around the world, leveraging our expertise in industry-leading frameworks and next generation technologies. We work as an extension of your team and ensure scalability, flexibility and transparency across delivery.

Our Engineering Services model can adapt to your specific needs:

Whether you need specific skills, development of a particular product module or even implementation of the end-to-end product, we have the resources and the infrastructure to support your needs. With Cnetric, you get:

  • Access to motivated, skilled resources you need to power your product ideas.
  • Product engineering teams and domain experts available across the globe.
  • Continuous delivery capabilities powered by Design Thinking and Agile Scrum/Kanban in every stage.
  • A partner who will work with you across product development, client implementations and support.

    Enterprises worldwide have made their application framework more scalable, agile, independent, and faster to deploy by breaking down the legacy applications into their key functions and implementing modernization. Due to this, each function can run on containers, thereby increasing performance, improving security, and easing management. Other benefits that organization have seen by application modernization include:

    • Cost-Savings: Maintaining legacy applications requires a workforce with specific skills and regular investment, which increases the maintenance cost. Centric helps you reduce the operational costs of maintaining and updating these applications as they are deployed on the cloud, to keep licensing and IT costs down.
    • Business Agility: Monolithic applications and legacy systems have disadvantages that slow down the operation of the business, and due to lack of productivity and agility, businesses might lose revenue. Cnetric can help improve business agility by modernizing your applications, increasing productivity due to more reliability and consistent data.
    • New Revenue streams and enhanced customer experience: Easy navigation of data, retrieval of any record and data as required, and creating new services because of system flexibility and cost-effectiveness, which adds value to customer experience is another benefit of application modernization.
    • Better Security: Modernized applications minimize cybersecurity risks due to continuous monitoring by integrating security measures and strategies seamlessly.
    • Automation: Application modernization can leverage newer technology to minimize manual involvement through automation of repetitive processes.

    Cnetric has valuable experience with Public/Private and Hybrid Cloud environments, Accelerators, and Infrastructure. Cnetric provides Application Modernization services on contemporary frameworks deployed on container platforms like Red Hat OpenShift, Google Anthos, etc.

product engineering and software development
Our history

Consulting & Professional Services 

Cnetric provides consulting and professional services teams across a wide range of digital platforms and technologies across Digital Experience, Web and Mobile App development, E-Commerce, Order Management, Supply Chain, PIM, CDP, Application Integration, Cloud DevOps, etc.

Finding the right balance between time, cost, and quality is the hallmark of excellent project deliveries. At Cnetric’s Offshore Development Center, we don’t just help you cut costs. We consistently deliver at speed, and at the highest quality, with a capital Q. Our proven recruitment framework helps us to identify and select the best talent across the country. We have a track record of high retention. We are agile and technology-agnostic and offer flexible engagement models. We have worked with 100+ global companies, and some of our oldest clients keep coming back to us when it comes to delivery.


Managed Services & ODCs

Perhaps you need a certain skillset only for a specific time frame. Access to the right skillsets can be tricky, and the risk and costs related to hiring sometimes could be out of balance. We understand this conundrum at Cnetric. Our Managed Services model is flexible and can help you scale on-demand. We have over two decades of experience working with leading retailers and eCommerce stores across the world. We can take full control of executing the delivery and help you focus on expanding your business for greater sales.


Stay Business Focused

We understand that there is a challenge across industries when it comes to strategic management. There is a gap between strategy and execution. And, we help you close this gap by providing the right skillsets in a highly-affordable and hassle-free model. Focus on business strategy while we guarantee meeting your execution commitments.

Scale On-Demand

We are focused on helping you deliver a world-class customer experience. We can accommodate spikes in demand and scale to your requirements. When we say we take control of the execution, we guarantee high-value and best-in-class delivery to excel benchmarks.

Our Offshore Development Centers

Cloud infrastructure provides the value of the latest technology with minimal implementation and maintenance costs. Shift to cloud technology with Cnetric’s expertise and services for greater cost efficiency & zero downtime. Purchase and its maintenance of equipment are things of the past with cloud-enabled system. This has very tangible benefits such as lower rack space, IT requirements, power consumption, risk of internal outages and the complexity of housing the network.

Cut Development Costs and Overhead

Outsourcing to another firm by default gives many companies the privilege of cutting costs. At Cnetric we make sure there is the right balance of cost, quality, and time-effectiveness to assure world-class delivery with no compromise on quality. In addition, there is the advantage of attrition control and you don’t have to worry about the hassle of management an maintenance, we take care of everything. Our flexible engagement models ensure you can at least cut 40% of your costs by working with us.

Meet Evolving Technology Needs

In today’s world, customer demands are evolving rapidly, largely due to the latest technological developments. As businesses strive to delight their customers, they must tap the new opportunities opened by the latest technology to stay competitive. Our motto is to help you meet your technology needs. Our resources are experts and certified on a range of technology platforms.


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